Tuesday 15 October 2013

Lemon Sherbet By Paula


-1 Cup sugar


-1 Cup water
-1/2 Cup cream
-2 Egg whites
-1/ Cup lemon juice


1- Mix 3/4 of the cup of sugar salt and water. Boil it the simmer it for 5 minutes. Put it in refrigerator.

2- Add the cream them the lemon juice. Put it into a plastic container. Freeze it for 4 of 5 hours.
3- Beat the egg whites. Add 1/4 cup of sugar. Beat the mixture.
4- Break the frozen mixure with a frok. Mixin the egg whites.
5- Put the mixture in the freezer for 2 hours.


2 Hours


-Autograph: Autografo

-Dustbin: Basurero
-From the ouside: Desde fuera
-Inside: Lado interior
-Is waiting: Esta esperando
-Jacket: Chaqueta
-Key: Llave
-Lock: Cerrar (Con llave)
-Mistake: Error
-Pocket: Bolsillo
-Sign: Firmar
-Stole: P
-Steal: Robo
-Suspect: Sospechoso
-Thief: Ladron
-Thuth: Verdad

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