Tuesday 2 February 2016

Abraham Lincoln by Naroa

                                                                      Abraham Lincoln

His name was Abraham Lincoln.He was born on the 12th of February,1809 and he  died on the 15th of April, 1865. He was born in Kentucky and he died in Washington D.C. When he died, he was 56 years old. He married to  Mary Todd Lincoln and he had 4 children: Robert Todd Lincoln, Edward (Eddie) Baker Lincoln, William (Willie) Wallace Lincoln and Thomas (Tad) Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln was a soldier  in the Black Hawk war, he served as a capitain in the army and he was in the war of Gettyshburg too. He was a comander in the American Civil war.  He died when an actor from Maryland, Virginia, resident and Southern sympathizer, came from behind and fired a single shot Deringer pistol with a round in the president's head.He escaped. The president, mortally wounded and after being treated by the young military doctor, in the theater, was taken to a house across the street where he slipped into a coma until he died ten hours after the attack. He has a statue in Washington D.C.

 Resultado de imagen de abraham lincolnResultado de imagen de abraham lincoln estatua

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